This is used when both adjacent teeth are prepped for crowns. The fixed partial bridge allows the dentist to cement it in place while the pontic site heals, and remove it when the final restoration is ready to be installed. If the adjacent teeth are in good condition, it is not recommended to prep them for crowns; instead, it is advised to choose a different temporary option.
The next option is typically the Maryland Bridge. This is used when the adjacent teeth do not require preparation. This temporary uses “wings” on either side of the pontic to hold it in place. The wings are cemented to the lingual or back of the adjacent teeth. For this method to work however, there must be enough space for the wings to sit comfortably out of the way of the patient’s natural bite.
An Essix Retainer places a temporary tooth into a clear retainer that the patient wears. This option is not cemented in place and must be removed by the patient when sleeping, eating, or performing oral care. These reasons can make this style of temporary less desirable though much more cost efficient.
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\ Delineator Flipper
\ A Delineator is a removeable temporary that seats the tooth using small clasps or “wings” to wrap around the adjacent teeth. With this there is still a small \ visible clasp in front of the adjacent teeth, though this is a much less invasive appliance as it is smaller and does not cover the pallet like a removeable flipper.
\ Removeable Flipper
\ The Removeable Flipper is an appliance that clicks into the pallet like a retainer or partial denture. On the buccal (front) side of the teeth, there is nothing visible \ and the temporary tooth appears to float in place. Behind, the tooth is connected to a large plate that clicks in behind all teeth and rests against the pallet.