Sept 13-14, 2019 – Kelowna, BC
Day 1
- Airway disorders and sleep disordered breathing – introduction, health concerns from a Public Health perspective
- Anatomy and physiology of the airway
- Genetic and epigenetic factors in airway and craniofacial development
- Introduction of the System for managing airway patients
- Structure, function and behavior as root causes of airway dysfunction
- Patient Screening introduced
- Data collection – medical metrics, clinical exam, clinical photography, and cone beam CT scan, digital intraoral scanning
- Interpretation of data collection
- Training of high-resolution pulse oximeter
- Demonstration of scanner
- Introduction to diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Upper airway Resistance Syndrome
Day 2
- Diagnosing cases
- Review of data
- Oral Appliance therapy introduced
- Review of myofunctional therapy and functional appliances
- Building a network of providers for our airway patients.
- Review of sleep and health
- Case presentations and reviews.
- Adjunctive therapies.
To sign up please click HERE. We look forward to seeing you there.
Any questions – feel free to call us at the lab. 250-861-3333